Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Giveaway Draw

Hi ho all well I should have drawn this over a week ago but because I did not have a good or reliable internet connection my opportunities to get on and do anything wee spasmodic to say the least. Anyhow That is all fixed now and I am now hooked up with a great ADSL package so hopefully that will negate the need to use this pesky pre paid mobile stick. :) Any how I have drawn my giveaway and the lucky winners are.................. VICKI :) and SANDY:) two of my forum buddies, so congratulations Girls I will get your surprise package of goodies off to you later this week :)

Thanks to everyone who had suggestions for the salon I will definately be implemeting some of those.

Now here are a couple of pics of the last of the decals that came in for the salon, It was really hard to get up and ve very very fiddly, It took me 4 hours to do it but I think it is worth it and it just finishes it off nicely.

That is all for today have a wonderful week Love and Hugs Olivia


  1. WOW, thanks, Liv, that is so exciting. :) Love the latest decals they look so pretty. You have done a great job on decorating. :)

  2. Oh Liv, Love the latest decals they do make the shop look wonderful.

  3. Wow! Your decals look really great Liv and I am excited to win your giveaway :) Thanks heaps :) Glad you got your internet sorted out too. Its funny how we rely on it nowadays isnt it? hugs Vicki x

  4. Hi Olivia, just checking in. Hope you are OK ;-)

  5. Your giveaway hasnt arrived here yet....whats happening?

  6. Mine didn't arrive either, I'm so disappointed. :)
